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Government Center - Cedar Hill, Texas

Cedar Hill Texas recently completed construction of a government center that centralizes the City Hall, Police Department and the Independent School District headquarters. Robert Davis provided architectural lighting design services for public areas of the building.

Clustering the fixtures on the columns is a gesture toward classical orders and implementation of lighting that is not separate from the architecture, but part of it.

Oversized circular fixtures outside the elevator lobbies respect the lobby architecture, emphasize destinations and help users understand the space.

Alternating uplight and downlight along the linear gallery fixtures is compatible with the active visual environment and is economical and green because both uplight and downlight are achieved with a one-lamp fixture. Lighting public spaces with the equivalent of task lighting is another way the building is economical and green. In addition to being economical, specific rather than general lighting clarifies the visual environment. Fixtures and the light they produce are tightly associated with specific architectural features, not spread evenly all around.

The city council chamber is enhanced with ornamental fixtures around the balustrade. The metaphor is "cattails".

Architect: Holzman Moss Architecture

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